Friday, January 21, 2022

Risk of Rain 2 - Survivor Mod Idea: Dagger Master

Dagger Master

Description: inspired from Ceremonial Dagger and buff Ukulele.

Passive: Magic Daggers
Thrown dagger will become homing. If the dagger misses its target, it will stuck on terrain surface. If any magic dagger hits an enemy directly, it will draw in all stuck daggers and home in towards the target.


  • Direct hit dagger will home in towards where the cursor is aimed at.
  • Direct hit will apply Nullify Stack debuff.
  • Stuck dagger lasts for 10 seconds. if there is any enemy detected within 4m radius, dealing 120% base damage, proc coefficient 1.0.
  • Maximum of 33 stuck daggers, oldest one will be removed.
  • Direct hit from non-stuck magic dagger will be marked then trigger homing stuck dagger within 30m.
  • Every 0.1s interval, pick 1 nearest stuck dagger for each marked enemy. Then loop until the all marked enemies are killed.
  • Homing stuck dagger will target nearest marked enemy, if it is killed, pick the next nearest marked enemy, until no more marked enemy, then stuck at the previous location of the last marked enemy that has been killed.
  • Homing stuck dagger may hit other enemy that is in its way
  • *Homing stuck dagger will not trigger homing stuck dagger.
  • *Homing stuck dagger will not mark enemy.

*These rules should be ignored given that the game is designed for proc chain.

Alternative Passive: Lightning Dagger
Thrown dagger travels at lightning speed. Always triggers Ukulele, also improves total damage per stack. (+2 targets, +20% total damage per stack)


  • lightning speed = hit scan
  • If possible, change Ukulele chain lightning visual to red
  • Ukulele will become a dummy item, 100% chance to trigger chain lightning even without Ukulele
  • If Ukulele x0, 100% chance, 2 targets, 16m, 60% total damage
    (meaning +60% damage with no stack)
  • If Ukulele x1, 100% chance, 3 targets, 20m, 80% total damage
  • If Ukulele x2, 100% chance, 5 targets, 22m, 100% total damage
  • If hit terrain surface, bounce off to nearest enemy, with -1 target.

Primary: Quick Throw (cooldown 0.4s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Agile. Throw single dagger, each deals 150% damage.

Alternative Primary: Twin Throw (cooldown 0.64s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Agile. Throw 2 daggers, each deals 120% damage. Has crosshair. Alternate between vertical and horizontal formation.

Secondary: Triple Throw  (cooldown 3s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Agile. Throw 3 daggers, each deals 120% damage. Has crosshair that indicates 15 degree spread, hold over 0.5s to reduce to zero. Has 2 charges. Alternate formation with 180 degree rotation.

Alternative Secondary: Counter Stance (cooldown 5s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Set movement speed to zero for 0.6 second. If took damage from target the cursor aimed at, stop the effect, then immune to all damage for 0.6 second and throw a dagger forward. The dagger deals 300% to 900% damage, (900% if under 0.2s, 600% if under 0.4s). Resets vertical momentum.

Utility: Blink Dagger (cooldown 5s)
Agile. Throw a teleporting dagger, if it hits an enemy, swap position with it. If it hits terrain surface or the dagger expired, teleport to the dagger's location. Resets vertical momentum. Has 2 charges.

Alternative Utility: Flying Dagger (cooldown 6s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Agile. Dash forward (horizontal direction like Phase Blink) and (over the dash) throw 6 daggers towards initial facing angle during dash, each deals 150% damage.

Special: Dagger Barrage (cooldown 12s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Agile. Summon 12 daggers to rain forth towards enemies in front over 3 seconds. (same as Tao's Primary in Gunfire Reborn) Each dagger deals 150% damage. (0.3s interval per dagger)

Alternative Special: Hidden Shiv (cooldown 9s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Agile. 6 charges, reload after 9s. Upon cast, targets 6 nearest enemy in 60m, consume 1 charge per enemy to throw a dagger that deals 250% damage. Will not activate if there is no enemy in range.
For Magic Dagger Passive, each charge left without enemy target will throw a dagger at random direction.
For Lightning Dagger Passive, each charge left without enemy target will increase Ukulele stack by 1 for daggers thrown in current cast.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Risk of Rain 2 - Survivor Mod Idea: Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

Description: based on Hollow Knight created by Team Cherry

Passive: Soul Meter
Primary and Utility will gain soul upon hit. Soul will heal Hollow Knight when out of combat. If Hollow Knight is killed with full soul, he will be revived into broken soul. Using Secondary or Special will automatically consume soul to reduce cooldown.


  • Maximum 99 or 66 soul.
  • If the player is killed with 99 soul, then revive the player, set to 0 soul and maximum soul reduced to 66.
  • If the player has 66 maximum soul: On entering next stage, a player's Umbra will spawn in the map (like the one via Artifact of Vengeance), if the Umbra is killed then restore maximum soul to 99. Do not work when killing the Umbra spawned from Artifact of Vengeance.
  • Only spawn 1 Umbra for 66 maximum soul, even when multiple player is having 66 maximum soul. The Umbra will scale accordingly.
  • Each enemy hit using Primary or Utility will add 11 soul
    (If Visions of Heresy is acquired, the initial hit will add 1 soul and explosion will add 10 soul).
  • Using Secondary or Special will consume 33 soul and reduce cooldown to 0.5s. 
  • Reduce cooldown only works when having 33 soul or above.
  • Reduce cooldown also works for Hooks of Heresy and Essence of Heresy.
  • When out of combat (same as Cautious Slug), consume 5 soul to heal 5% hp on each second. Start at 1% at 0 second, then 1% each 0.2s.
  • If changed into Heretic, lose the entire Soul Meter passive.

Primary: Grubberfly's Elegy (cooldown 0.64s per swing, proc coefficient 1.0)
Agile. Slice in front for 100% damage. (same 2 slash combo but diagonally like the X cross of Mercenary's Slicing Winds). At full health or full soul, each attack will launch a slash wave, dealing 100% damage (proc coefficient 1.0). Hold down will auto attack.

Alternative Primary: Pure Nail (cooldown 0.48s per swing, proc coefficient 1.0)
Agile. Slice in front for 150% damage. (same as above). Hold down to charge (up to 1 second), then release to land a powerful Great Slash that deals 450% damage. (same as mercenary 3rd slash). Attack speed improves both normal and charged attack.

Secondary: Vengeful Spirit (cooldown 3s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Conjure a shadow that will fly forward and strike foes in its path. Dealing 300% damage piercing all enemies. Has 2 charges. Can cast even if Soul Meter is below 33.

Alternative Secondary: Shade Soul (cooldown 3s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Conjure a shadow that will fly forward and burn foes in its path. Dealing 360% damage piercing all enemies and apply Burn debuff that deals 150% damage over time for 2 seconds. Can cast even if Soul Meter is below 33.

Utility: Sharp Shadow (cooldown 3s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Cloaked in shadow and dash forward, phasing through and deal 100% damage to enemies. During dash, immune to all damage and destroys all projectiles in the way.

Special: Abyss Shriek (cooldown 6s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Stunning. Blast frontal foes with screaming soul and shadow in quick succession of 4 bursts (0.1s interval, first one at 0.0s), each burst deals 400% damage. Can cast even if Soul Meter is below 33.

Alternative Special: Descending Dark (cooldown 4s, proc coefficient 1.0)
Heavy. Stunning. While on air, strike down towards the ground with a concentrated force of soul and shadow, causing explosion that deals 1000% damage. Immune to damage during the fall and then 1 second afterward. While on ground, instantly explode dealing 1000% damage, then leap up with increased jump height and immune to damage for 1 second. Can cast even if Soul Meter is below 33.