Monday, September 25, 2017

Oxygen Not Included - How to deal with germs

Watery Storage Compactor Method (for Polluted Dirt / Slime)
Step 1: Build Storage Compactor + Bottle Emptier
Build near the source
Step 2: Storage Compactor Settings (Polluted Dirt /  Slime)
Settings for your Storage Compactor
Step 3: Auto Bottling with Clean Water
Remember to Enable Autobottling
Step 4: Sweep and Deliver
The water is to prevent Polluted Dirt / Slime from emitting Polluted Oxygen

Food Poisoning
Source: Outhouse / Lavatory
Contraction: Food Ingestion
Effect: Diarrhea (non-lethal)
Full Info (from Oil Upgrade beta)
Food Poisoning works as an early introduction of germs to players and it is fairly easy to control even in early stage where you have no research.

How to control at source (Polluted Dirt)

Outhouse (Polluted Dirt) >> Storage Compactor >> Compost (after research)

Step 1: Use the Watery Storage Compactor Method

Step 2: Compost (need research, plan ahead to reserve some space for Compost)

How to control at source (Polluted Water)
Outhouse >> Wash Basin (Water >> Polluted Water) >> Bottle Emptier (your waste area)

Step 1: Build Wash Basin around Outhouse

Note: room mechanic was added from Oil Upgrade beta
 Step 2: Build Wash Basin beside Bottle Emptier (your waste area)
I also build my Compost and Deordorizers in my waste area

How to control at contraction: Mess Hall
Once you have researched Mess Table and Sink, you can fully prevent Food Poisoning with settings such as below:

Not optimal due to limited space, also Sink is better than Wash Basin

Note: room mechanic was added from Oil Upgrade beta


Control Polluted Dirt (at source)
  1. Watery Storage Compactor Method
  2. Compost* + Deordorizer*
Control Polluted Water (at source)
  1. Outhouse >> Wash Basin 
  2. Wash Basin >> Bottle Emptier
  3. Lavatory* replace Outhouse
Ultimate Control (at contraction)
  1. Wash Basin >> Mess Table
  2. Sink* replace Wash Basin
*need research


Source: Slime with Slimelung
Contraction: Breathing Oxygen / Polluted Oxygen with Slimelung
Effect: Slimelung (lethal)

Its not immediate, but once your dupes immune system is 0% and infected, Slimelung can cause death if not treated with Med-Bed.

Research and build Deordorizer to prevent it before digging into slime area. Use it to clean the Polluted Oxygen to reduce the Slimelung germs count.

Build at the entrance before going into slime area

Control Slime (at source)
  1. Watery Storage Compactor Method
Control Polluted Oxygen (at contraction)
  1. Deordorizer*
Late Game Control (at source)
  1. Ore Scrubber*
*need research

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