Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dota 2 New Hero (7.07) - Dark Willow

Ranged Intelligence Hero

Comparable Hero: Puck, Leshrac, Winter Wyvern, Ancient Apparition

Very powerful mid laner and spell-caster, especially the ultimate which unlocks Bedlam, which can deals huge amount of magic damage with very low cooldown and mana cost. The actual ultimate spell, Terrorize, seems mediocre and people pay little attention to it.

All her other spells are especially powerful when combined with Shadow Realm, opponent hero with no AoE control will suffers a lot.

In early, Bramble Maze can be used to secure Bounty Rune.

In mid lane, Cursed Crowned and Shadow Realm can be used to harass and dodge ganks.

New Int item, Kaya, can be a core item for her, although most players go for Shadow Blade and Bloodstone.

However, this hero can be easily countered with Blade Mail, Black King Bar, OrchidCloak, etc

Bramble Maze [Q]
Shadow Realm [W]
Cursed Crown [E]
Bedlam [D]
Terrorize [R]
Talent Tree
Level 10: +125 Cast Range OR +20 Damage
Level 15: +40 Movement Speed OR +90 Gold/Min
Level 20: +300 Shadow Realm Max Damage OR 10% Spell Lifesteal
Level 25: +1 Terrorize Duration OR +200 Attack Speed

Bramble Maze
- trap-like spell
- has a long range and fixed alignment
- each bramble will deal damage and root single target

Shadow Realm
- similiar to Shadow Blade
- unable to target her but visible
- cause next attack to have +600 attack range and deals bonus magic damage
- lasts 5 seconds, max bonus magic damage after 3 seconds
- good combo with Cursed Crown

Cursed Crown
- delayed AoE stun
- similar to Alchemist's Unstable Concoction (but way better)
- does not deal damage

- Jex (her wisp) orbits around her for 4 seconds
- each 0.25 second, deals 75/150/225 magical attack
- can deal up to 1200/2400/3600 magic damage
- 20 seconds cooldown, cost 100/150/200 mana
- Terrorize will be disabled (while Jex is outside)
NOTE: too op, should soon be nerfed

- After a short delay, send Jex towards the target area
- apply Fear for 4 seconds
- Bedlam will be disabled (while Jex is outside)

Dota 2 New Hero (7.07) - Pangolier

Melee Agility Hero

Comparable Hero: Earth Spirit, Brewmaster

All Pangolier's abilities does not scale well with damage items, Swashbuckle is only good as a quick proc for attack modifiers, which makes him NOT suitable as a carry.

Shield Crash and Rolling Thunder scale very well with tank items and escape, having enough sustain will make him good as offlaner / roamer, then transition into initiator / disrupt.

Swashbuckle [Q]
Shield Crash [W]
Rolling Thunder [R]
Talent Tree
Level 10: +25 Movement Speed OR +2 Mana Regen
Level 15: +30 Attack Speed OR 2s Shield Crash CD in Ball
Level 20: +20 Strength OR +30 Swashbuckle Damage
Level 25: -12s Rolling Thunder CD OR -3s Swashbuckle Cooldown

- is a vector targeting spell (new mechanic)
- core spell
- can be used as escape
- 4 hits, each deals flat 24/42/60/78 physical damage (Talent 54/72/90/108)
- each hit apply and proc any attack modifier include Heartpiercer
- Core Item: Maelstorm / Diffusal Blade / Sange and Yasha / Basher
- Cannot buy: Desolator

Shield Crash
- become a "jump" spell during Rolling Thunder

- passive, proc upon attack, 15% chance
- upon proc has 2 seconds delay, then apply slow and negate armor
- when negate enemy armor, it sets to zero armor (even when below zero)
- work against armor reduction

Rolling Thunder
- 1.2 seconds channel time
- interrupted during channel time will cancel the spell and put it on cooldown
- hard to control during rolling
- need timing for "jump"using Shield Crash
- can stop anytime

Monday, September 25, 2017

Oxygen Not Included - How to deal with germs

Watery Storage Compactor Method (for Polluted Dirt / Slime)
Step 1: Build Storage Compactor + Bottle Emptier
Build near the source
Step 2: Storage Compactor Settings (Polluted Dirt /  Slime)
Settings for your Storage Compactor
Step 3: Auto Bottling with Clean Water
Remember to Enable Autobottling
Step 4: Sweep and Deliver
The water is to prevent Polluted Dirt / Slime from emitting Polluted Oxygen

Food Poisoning
Source: Outhouse / Lavatory
Contraction: Food Ingestion
Effect: Diarrhea (non-lethal)
Full Info (from Oil Upgrade beta)
Food Poisoning works as an early introduction of germs to players and it is fairly easy to control even in early stage where you have no research.

How to control at source (Polluted Dirt)

Outhouse (Polluted Dirt) >> Storage Compactor >> Compost (after research)

Step 1: Use the Watery Storage Compactor Method

Step 2: Compost (need research, plan ahead to reserve some space for Compost)

How to control at source (Polluted Water)
Outhouse >> Wash Basin (Water >> Polluted Water) >> Bottle Emptier (your waste area)

Step 1: Build Wash Basin around Outhouse

Note: room mechanic was added from Oil Upgrade beta
 Step 2: Build Wash Basin beside Bottle Emptier (your waste area)
I also build my Compost and Deordorizers in my waste area

How to control at contraction: Mess Hall
Once you have researched Mess Table and Sink, you can fully prevent Food Poisoning with settings such as below:

Not optimal due to limited space, also Sink is better than Wash Basin

Note: room mechanic was added from Oil Upgrade beta


Control Polluted Dirt (at source)
  1. Watery Storage Compactor Method
  2. Compost* + Deordorizer*
Control Polluted Water (at source)
  1. Outhouse >> Wash Basin 
  2. Wash Basin >> Bottle Emptier
  3. Lavatory* replace Outhouse
Ultimate Control (at contraction)
  1. Wash Basin >> Mess Table
  2. Sink* replace Wash Basin
*need research


Source: Slime with Slimelung
Contraction: Breathing Oxygen / Polluted Oxygen with Slimelung
Effect: Slimelung (lethal)

Its not immediate, but once your dupes immune system is 0% and infected, Slimelung can cause death if not treated with Med-Bed.

Research and build Deordorizer to prevent it before digging into slime area. Use it to clean the Polluted Oxygen to reduce the Slimelung germs count.

Build at the entrance before going into slime area

Control Slime (at source)
  1. Watery Storage Compactor Method
Control Polluted Oxygen (at contraction)
  1. Deordorizer*
Late Game Control (at source)
  1. Ore Scrubber*
*need research

Saturday, July 1, 2017

DST - In-depth Guide for Dummies

This guide is for new players who:
  • never play Don't Starve before
  • have no time to learn everything
  • are going to play with friends in about 10 minutes

Step 1, After installed the game, Install Mods! They are optional but very useful.

Click on Workshop tab
Find all these mods (see pic) and click on "Subscribe" (it will automatically download later)
Run the game and click on Mods
Enable them under Client Mods (some can be configured) then Apply, wait for the game to load...

Step 2, Options!

Change your control keys and video settings

For better gameplay, set Lag Compensation to None

Step 3, you are now ready!

Browse Game and find a good server. Or ask your friend to invite you.

Criteria for a good server:
1) Low Ping (below 100)
2) Dedicated Server
3) Autumn or Spring

Recommend Klei Official for pub game
Join the server, wait for your friends to join, get your snacks and drinks ready (recommended), then choose Wilson and Go!

Controls: Keyboard + Mouse
(see below)

Movement: A, W, S, D
Rotate Camera: Q / E

Attack: F
Force Attack: Ctrl + F

Map: M
Panel: Tab

Move/Attack: Left Click
Alternate Action: Right Click

Chat: Y
Whisper: U

Short Term Goal:
1) Survive the night, craft a torch or campfire
2) Find food and cook them
3) Get an axe
4) Learn about the game world

Mid Term Goal:
1) Build a base
2) Don't get insane
3) Get ready for combat
4) Learn to survive again even if server restart

Long Term Goal:
1) Prepare for winter / summer
2) Explore map / cave / ruins
3) Megabase!
4) Learn all different biomes

Extra - Character Guide (click here)

Extra - Building Base Strategy:

Tier 0 - Pickaxe, Axe, Campfire
  • 2 Flints
  • Twigs (at least 20)
  • Grass (at least 20)
  • Log (at least 2)
Tier 1 - Fire Pit, Science Machine >> Alchemy Engine
  • 5 Gold Nuggets
  • 22 Log
  • 28 Stone
Tier 2 - Crock Pot, Ice Box, Birdcage, Bird Trap, Drying Rack
  • Crock Pot = 3 Cut Stone (9 Rocks), 6 Charcoal, 6 Twigs
  • Ice Box = 1 Gear, 1 Cut Stone (3 Rocks), 2 Gold Nuggets
  • Birdcage = 2 Seeds, 2 Papyrus (8 Reeds),  6 Gold Nuggets
  • Bird Trap = 3 Twigs, 4 Silks, + 1 Seed (bait)
  • Drying Rack = 3 Twigs, 3 Ropes (9 Cut Grass), 2 Charcoal
Resources Summary (15 + 8 slots)
12 slots:
1 ~ 3 Gears (rare)
40 Rocks
6 Silks
20 Gold Nuggets
8 Reeds
36 Charcoal
80 Twigs
80 Cut Grass
40 Logs (or, 20 Logs + 10 Boards)

5 more slots
Pickaxe x1
3 Flints
40 Rocks
Pig Skin12 Marble (optional for Wigfrid only)

left 6 slots (3 for equipment, 3 for food)

Tips #1 - To survive is to be cautious, keep your items in yourself.
Other players cannot see what's inside your inventory.

Tips #2 - Inventory management is important.
Arrange so that your slot 1 to 5 is useful for keyboard shortcut. Also, before equip armor (or drop your backpack), put only inflammable items or not-important tools in backpack.

Tips #3 - Back to the basics and... Don't Starve!
It is still the same game, but with some weird stuff.

Tips #4 - Knowledge is Power
Learn up which biome will have what kind of resources (Walrus Camp, Clockwerk, etc).
Look up on wiki or youtube on how to solve the problem that you encountered (how to kill Deerclops, how to get Pig Skin, etc)
Learn the basic recipes on Crock Pot (Meatball for hunger, Fishstick for healing, Taffy for sanity, etc)

Also, beware of toxic player

Monday, May 15, 2017

Dota 2 - Midas vs Tome (7.06 Update)

Tome of Knowledge gives 500 exp once per 10 minutes (50 exp / min)
but limited to one hero per team, at the cost of 150 gold per use.

10 minutes >> 500 exp (3.33 exp / gold)
20 minutes >> 635 exp (4.23 exp / gold)
30 minutes >> 770 exp (5.13 exp / gold)
40 minutes >> 905 exp (6.03 exp / gold)

Hand of Midas gives 1308 exp in 10 minutes (130.8 exp / min)
On average, using on large neutral creep or range creep or siege creep.
Requires a capital of 2150 gold (around 7 minutes of farming)

Midas break even at approx 18 minutes of constant use (cost around 25 minutes in total), below is the time after acquired Midas.

10 minutes mark (0.60 exp / gold)
20 minutes mark (1.20 exp / gold)
30 minutes mark (1.80 exp / gold)
40 minutes mark (2.40 exp / gold)

In this patch, Midas is less viable, more emphasis in lane creeps and deny.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Dota 2 - Midas vs Tome (7.05 Item Analysis)

Tome of Knowledge gives 500 exp once per 10 minutes (50 exp / min)
but limited to one hero per team, at the cost of 150 gold per use.

10 minutes >> 500 exp (3.33 exp / gold)
20 minutes >> 635 exp (4.23 exp / gold)
30 minutes >> 770 exp (5.13 exp / gold)
40 minutes >> 905 exp (6.03 exp / gold)

Hand of Midas gives 1548 exp in 10 minutes (154.8 exp / min)
On average, using on large neutral creep or range creep or siege creep.
Requires a capital of 2050 gold (around 7 minutes of farming)

Midas break even at approx 16 minutes of constant use (cost around 23 minutes in total), below is the time after acquired Midas.

10 minutes mark (0.75 exp / gold)
15.5 minutes mark (1.17 exp / gold) break even
20 minutes mark (1.51 exp / gold)
44 minutes mark (3.33 exp / gold)

If your hero need exp, always spend gold on Tome of Knowledge.
If your hero need exp & gold in later game, Hand of Midas is a good investment.

Monday, January 23, 2017

DST - Character mod idea

Crazy Swordsman

Health: 150
Hunger: 150
Sanity: 150

- Know how to craft Dark Sword
- Is a sword maniac*
- Has a special Sharpening Stone**

*When wielding Dark Sword:
- gain x1.1 walking speed
- has x0.5 hunger rate
- deals more damage when insane but less damage when sane
10% or below = x1.5
20% = x1.40
30% = x1.30
40% = x1.20
50% = x1.10
60% = x1.00
70% = x0.90
75% = x0.85
80% or above = x0.8

**Able to repair Dark Sword at the cost of sanity and health (-33 Sanity and -5 health = +15 Uses)
5 nightmare fuel + 1 living log = 100 uses
1 nightmare fuel = 4 dark petal = -5 sanity x 4 = -20 sanity
100 uses = -100 sanity + 1 living log